Thursday, May 14, 2009

general updates and other stuff

Well, I finally sorted out my side of the closet, meaning I went through all of my clothes and created a Goodwill pile; stored all of the winter stuff and took out the summer clothes; reorganized a couple of shelves that were out of control, and generally straightened the area up a bit. It’s looking pretty decent in there now, though we still need to get a new hamper, and figure out a new place to put it if possible.

We got pretty close to actually going into the attic last weekend, but it never happened, and now probably won’t happen for another few weeks due to my wife traveling, etc. Unless I did it myself, but I’m not sure I’m to be trusted with such a task on my own – there’s no telling if I’ll go overboard or not, unless there are explicit written instructions, and even then it’s a toss up.

My grass is fairing well, though since I have to wait to cut the new grass, the rest of the yard is getting pretty “full” so to speak. I guess I could trim it up with the weed-eater, but I like to think I’m giving the grass a chance to choke out the weeds. I’ll probably be able to cut it next week sometime.

What else? Well, I’ve got the ole gears turning regarding possibly starting to really write again, and maybe even trying to publish and sell some of my poems and short stories through It definitely couldn’t hurt, and I think the idea of making even a few dollars would help my drive and motivation a bit. I’ll keep you posted on that front as it progresses.

Everything’s good in general. Toni (my wife) is still pretty nauseated most of the day, everyday, so we’re hoping that goes away sometime soon. I hate that she feels so miserable, and there’s not much I can do for her, though I do make myself readily available to her for whatever she may happen to need. I’ve also become convinced that we’re going to have a girl – I don’t really know why, but there it is. And I believe Toni’s now convinced it’s a boy, so how’s that for a flip? Either way, it’s gonna be great! Well, till next time…take care!

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